Triumph Of An Individual Can Be Very Difficult To Stay In The City By Peikoff

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Triumph of an individual can be very difficult for a person to have in the City, and Equality live in a society were love, and life barley exist. By the end of the novel, Equality is greatly outnumbered, and has been given a choice; to stay in the City, or start a new life with new discoveries. Equality is on his own, and starts living a life where, “ I shall live here, in my own house. I shall take my food from the earth by the toil of my own hands. I shall learn many secrets from my books” (Peikoff 99). Equality is just learning about how life works and he gets to experience it with Liberty, the love of his life, but in the City, men and women are forbidden to talk to each other, where Liberty and Equality felt it was a terrible thing to