The Narrative Of The Life Of Fredrick Douglass and Trouble Don’t Last
Fredrick Douglass and Trouble don’t last are book genres that most people would not even try to approach, mostly because of how it is about slavery. As we all know most slavery books are not written by slaves but the book Fredrick Douglass was written by Fredrick Douglass himself, he himself was a slave. The Book Trouble Don’t Last was not exactly written by a slave nor by a black person either. For a person not to be a slave or black having the idea to write a historical fiction book about slave Twas a great idea and very unique, it is true any book written on slavery are normally written by white people who mostly sugarcoat everything making it seem like slavery is not
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Even though both books may be similar in someways they are also very different in other ways based on the writing itself.
One similarity both authors have, is that they started of with the same type of intro. They both started of their books talking about how or where they were born. They talk about their family history, for example Fredrick Douglass talks about his parents. “My mother was named Harriet Bailey. She was the daughter of Isaac and Betsey Bailey, both colored, and quite dark”. As you can read he talks about his mother and his grand-parents. In the book “Trouble Don’t Last” Samuel, (who is the slave and the narrator of the story) also talks a bit about his family and how everyone is his family was a slave. As I had stated before they both talked about where and how they were born. “I was born in Tuckahoe, near Hillsborough, and about twelve miles from Easton, in Talbot County, Maryland” - Fredrick Douglass. “To begin with I was born a slave” - Trouble Don’t Last. In the beginning of the book they also both give of dates to get the story kicked off. They kind of give a flashback explaining something like 'it all started in…' Just like the way Trouble Don’t Last “ It all started on a just-so day in the month of September 1859…”