
Troy As A Tragic Hero In Fences, By August Wilson

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In the play “Fences”, written in 1957 by August Wilson annotates how Troy’s childhood experiences affected his life and put a strain on his relationship with family and friends. Troy’s enormous amount of pride, flaw of judgment, and malicious actions lead to his shortcomings and resulted into him becoming a tragic hero. In the story, Troy had a lot of flaws in his character throughout the play. As Troy was growing up he never had the proper guidance, so he had to take care of himself the best way he could. He was doomed form the start, but bears no responsibility for possessing his flaw. For example, Troy mentions “he wishes he never had a father, because his father only cared about work and the ladies” (Goodwin et al. 310). Not to mention, …show more content…

Troy didn’t want his son to get caught up in sports because he felt like he would never have a chance, just like him back when he wanted to play professional sports. In the text, Cory says “Papa done went down to the school and told coach Zelllman I can’t play football no more. Wouldn’t even let me play the game. Told him to tell the recruiter not to come” (Goodwin el at. 314). Therefore, by troy going down to the school and ruining the chances of his son’s career, that showed a flaw of judgment and a selfish decision he made. Troy’s relationship with his son was strained and this was one of many reasons why Troy felt depressed and unhappy with his life. Troy met a woman by the name “Alberta” which he met on a night out and engaging with Alberta was one of the biggest decisions he had to make. Troy tells Rose “I’m trying to find a way to tell you… I’m gonna be a daddy. I’m gonna be somebody’s Daddy” (Goodwin el at. 319). Therefore, Troy making the decision to finally tell his wife that he’s going to be a dad; consequently he also had to inform his wife that he was having an affair with another woman. The decisions that he made with sabotaging his son and telling his wife that he was having an affair and a baby by another woman, ultimately resulted into him suffering for the mistakes he has

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