
True Bibleway Church Case Study

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The American evangelicalism has many diverse manifestations and is represented by a wide range of different congregations. One of those manifestations is the True Bibleway Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith in Natchez, Mississippi. True Bibleway Church is a part of the Pentecostal tradition that puts a great deal of emphasis on religious experiences, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, divine healing, and speaking in tongues. The following will examine the case study of True Bibleway Church using Maria Harris’ five Biblical functions of the church and Dudley and Johnson’s five images in telling the story of a African American Pentecostal congregation that embodies the image of a pilgrim church. Harris’ first Biblical function is “Leiturgia.” Leiturgia encompasses the worship and prayer of the church. The worship and prayer of True Bibleway stand in contrast to the polished and highly crafted worship of the evangelical mega churches. True Bibleway worship services are highly participatory for the congregation and can three to four hours. Services are often loud with congregants shouting, clapping, and exclaiming praise. Dancing and free expression in the Holy Spirit are abundant is the exuberant worship of congregation. The first several hours are a free time of worship where members of the congregation express …show more content…

The video case study gives almost no information whatsoever about this particular function of the True Bible Church. However, one thing is clear. The of the witness of True Bibleway is rooted in the transparent and authentic participation in the Spirit-led worship of the congregation. The boisterous worship marked by personal testimony and free worship give witness to the world of the transforming and empowering grace of God at work in the lives of the

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