True Characteristics Of Sir Gawain And The Green Knight

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True Characteristics of a Hero While reading the books, Beowulf, Canterbury Tales, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight one might ask the question, are these characters heroes? That would depend on your definition of a hero. If you define a hero as a perfect person who does no wrong and always sacrifices himself for the greater good, then these men are no heroes. But a more appropriate definition would be a flawed person who is used to do great things. Beowulf was a mighty warrior who protected his people no matter the danger. Arcita and Palamon were two cowardly knights who think about themselves more than the people around them. Sir Gawain interceded on his King’s behalf so his lord wouldn’t risk his life. Beowulf, beloved King of the Geats, …show more content…

During the elaborate New Years feast thrown by the king, an unusual man cantered in. This eerie man was entirely from head to toe a pale shade of green. Boldly, the mystifying intruder bellowed out a challenge to any knight who dare face him. The colossal man’s dare was for one man to strike him with any weapon he desired, but in return one year from then the green knight would return the blow. Sir Gawain accepted this challenge. After giving the mysterious man his blow, which clove his head cleanly off his neck, the knight merely stooped down, picked his gory head off the sodden floor and galloped off towards his abode. Towards the end of the next year, Sir Gawain dutifully set out to meet the dreaded knight. On his way, Sir Gawain came across a castle and the generous lord invited him in. Gawain decided to stay for four days. The lord of the castle proposed the two of them trade whatever they earn that day. On the third day the lord’s wife gave Gawain a sash that she claimed would make him invulnerable. Secretly, Sir Gawain hid the sash and left the next day for his appointment. When he arrived at the green knight’s dwelling the monstrous man emerged and twice feigned cleaving Gawain’s head off then the third time he merely nicked the back of the noble knight’s neck. Amazed, Gawain was informed that the knight was his host from the past four days! The knight explained that this was a

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