True Experimental Design In Foundations Of Nursing Practice

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Research Design During the research study, the main research design is based on the true experimental design. The true experimental design was selected to support the idea of an intervention and comparison groups, as well as randomly selecting the participants in the appropriate group. In Foundations of nursing practice, the authors explain that a true experimental study consists of three principles—the researcher manipulates the experimental variables(s), at least one experimental and one comparison group are included in the study, and subjects are randomly assigned to either the experimental or the comparison group (Nieswiadomy & Bailey, 2018). Additionally, Nieswiadomy and Bailey (2018) argue that using the true experimental design requires …show more content…

The two main objectives were population and sample. Nieswiadomy and Bailey, explain that a population is a complete set of persons or objects that possess some common characteristics of interest to the researcher, while a sample is a subset of the population (2018). Taking this into consideration, the target population consisted of men and women aged eighteen to thirty-five years with a medical diagnosis of hypertension. Participants were given standard hypertension information and had capabilities to participate in the patient education program. Participants with other underlying medical problems aside from hypertension were excluded from the target population, as these medical problems could influence blood pressure control. A systematic random sampling approach was used to form the intervention and comparison groups. The systematic random sampling was chosen in this research study because the listing of the population must be random with respect to the variable of interest (Nieswiadomy & Bailey, 2018). With a systematic random sampling not only would you be able to categorize the population using a random approach but also implementing an equal probability for the …show more content…

Another potential result was an increase in hypertension knowledge by the participants in the intervention group compared with the control group. A third potential result was a risk reduction for cardiovascular disease. In nursing practice, the potential results could increase awareness and education about hypertension control, and provide ideas as well as evidence for future nursing studies. The promising results from this research study can, indeed, show great potential from a sample data into the target population. Consequently, as the potential results come to practice, nursing and management pushbacks will be anticipated until the research study becomes authentic and supported by researchers. Nevertheless, some potential limitations were the undetermined baseline knowledge from the participants about hypertension control, their hypertension status before the study, and if any other cardiovascular diseases were taken into consideration. In conclusion, these potential results suggest that providing a patient education program compared to no patient education can help manage hypertension in young adults, as well as increase hypertension knowledge and decrease the risk for other cardiovascular diseases. Further research is needed to make the potential results real and legitimate for the affected population and study

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