Truman Capote's Miriam Summary

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After reading the short story “Miriam”, by Truman Capote. I view Mariam as a younger Mrs. H T Miller. This is because when Mrs. H. T Miller first met Mariam at the box office and brought her ticket, she asked the girl her name. “Why, isn’t that funny—my name’s Miriam, too. And it’s not a terribly common name either. “(Captoe 2014). Mrs. H.T Miller is also a lonely widow and throughout the story Miriam has no family, and mysteriously makes her way to Mrs. H T Miller’s house. What really convinced me that Miriam was a younger Mrs. Miller, was when Miriam showed up to her house the first time and stated everything that she wanted. Miriam said, “though now an almond cake or a cherry would be ideal. Sweets are lovely, don’t you think?” (Captoe