Truth And Madness In Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen's A Shadow Of Doubt

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The relationship between truth and madness is a topic greatly misinterpreted. The connection between the various states of the mind, and imagination reveals how the mind functions. Truth in the madness refers to how someone’s thoughts are indifferent to what is actually happening in reality. Many people throughout time have been studied by their struggles of what is considered mad by psychotherapists. Through Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen’s work “Remembering Anna O, a century of Mystification and Hitchcock’s A Shadow of Doubt, the human mind is explored through the truth behind the madness behind opening paths into the unconscious. The case of Anna O, is about a young woman who dealt with hysteria. Her case has acted as the base of psychoanalytic theories and practices. Anna O was described as a twenty-one year old girl, with high intelligence, who started to develop signs of illness while she was nursing her father who died of tubercular abscess, which lasted over two years. First she started by having a cough, then developed physical and psychological disruptions …show more content…

During the film some aspects such as ethics underlines in the story. For example, the protagonist, Charlie, is an ethical young woman, but is not shown doing any ethical acts because she ties on as a young girl a lot of responsibility, that she does not have enough life knowledge to handle yet. She is the oldest daughter in her family, and was named after her mother 's favorite sibling, whom she has a lot of similarities with. The catharsis in the film is what is happening to the characters, and the viewers are comprehending the conflict they are going through. For Charlie there is no catharsis because she lives a mundane life, and is looking for some excitement by wishing her uncle will visit. She even states in the beginning of the movie she expresses her unhappiness at home by stating “cure her