Try And Lilly Executive Summary

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Try & Lilly has a clear strategic position; the firm target a particular segment in the market and provide them with high standards and quality products. Adopted a particular strategic position by the organization determine the capabilities that needs in order to compete effectively, capabilities in Try & Lilly firm are the source of its competitive advantage. According to Mintzberg (1998) the strategic position that adopted through analytical process for strategy formation is a part from positioning school. In the deliberate planning, strategy formulated based on the analysis of the external business environment (STEP factors), and the assessment of internal capabilities, this will determine the opportunities and threat in the market and the …show more content…

SWOT analysis (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threat) is a technique which enables the managers to create a quick review of a firm strategic situation (Pearce, Robinson, 2009). SWOT analysis results help the management team at Try & Lilly to shape strategic option at corporate and functional (operational) level. The internal strengths and weaknesses of Try & Lilly firm are as follows, the strengths are high standards and quality of their product, accumulated experience over years, knowledge and the used of industry standard management system software. While the weaknesses are the discontinuities occur at the interfaces between functions, inappropriate production scheduling system, poor communications internally, and lack of planning, forecasting and control. We can notice that the management system software consider as a strength and as a weaknesses at the same time. This is because that’s good for the firm to invest in a technology and have a management system, but at the same time this software is a source of some weaknesses points that effect on the delivery performance of the

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