Tuesdays With Morrie Important Quotes

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¨Family is not an important thing, It's everything¨(¨Michael J. Fox Quotes¨). Family in our lives are the most important and most significant thing we have, so they are everything. Morrie explains to Mitch that family is about love and you must be close to them because family is everything. Love comes from the love from our families; significant people can motivate others as seen in the novel Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom when Morrie teaches his old student Mitch several life lessons, my dad inspiring me in my life, and Leo Messi's charity.
To start, Mitch learns valuable and important lessons from Morrie, who Mitch reconnects with because of Morrie having a disease which will end up causing his death. Consequently, Morrie and Mitch were reconnecting for the first time and Morrie tells Mitch his first valuable lesson in life, which is feeling sorry for yourself. As Morrie was given Mitch a life lesson, he states, ¨I give myself a good cry if I need it. But then I concentrate on all the good things still in my life¨(Albom 57).Reflecting late in his life about how he has lived, (Parti), Mitch ends up learning that he must be thankful for everything and not let the negative ruin his …show more content…

Also, family is the next important and significant lesson Mitch learns from Morrie. Morrie feels emotional about the topic of family, so he states to Mitch, ``Love each other or perish¨(Albom 91). After