Some people are smarter than others; that is a simple truth. But saying that everyone has the ability to become just as smart as everyone, well that is a bit more subjective. In a country where many people take a high school diploma for granted, most jobs are looking for people who have above a high school education. One of the major problems with bridging the gap between intelligence in the United States lies here. People want good jobs. Good jobs require degrees. Those degrees cost money. Degrees become unaffordable. A vicious circle like this is all too common in the United States of America in regards to public colleges. So the question is how can the price gap be handled, and is it feasible. At first one can assume that if the …show more content…
While it is true that the United States of America has the highest GDP, the USA is behind other countries in regards to tuition free colleges. There are a number of European countries that offer tuition free college including Finland, Iceland, Germany, and the Danish get paid roughly $900 a month for attending college. The countries with this idea are able to capitalize on the benefits that tuition free colleges prove in two ways: fiscally, and socially. A study conducted The Contemporary Economic Policy shows that community college graduates receive higher earnings (Wheeling). These earnings will increase the amount that the country is worth because now there is a population of people who have expertise in special fields. The report also indicates a decrease in the cost for health related objects, lower crime rates, and lower unemployment. If college is made tuition free, the United States of America can start paying less for all of those items. This would result in a more stable state because a more intelligent population will cost society less. Since the United States is already a top contender in the bigger areas of the world, maybe it is time they put their money where their mouth is and catch up with some of the other countries and pay the bill of the public colleges. The investment is well worth …show more content…
The paper “The Consequences of Dropping Out of High School: Joblessness and Jailing for High School Dropouts and the High Cost for Taxpayers" iterates a link between people that graduate and incarceration rates. The paper talks about a study that “found 16 to 24 year old high school drop-outs were 63% more likely to be incarcerated than those with a bachelor’s degree or higher” (Sum). So not only are more people going to become smarter, but less people are going to go to jail. If less people go to jail, that means less money that the taxpayers will have to spend to afford such things. This also means that since more people will become educated, there will be an increase in home ownership. At a debate about college education, President Emeritus of Northwestern University, Henry Bienan, explains that college will yield a lower crime rate, as well as better health for graduates (Intelligence). The benefits go on and on, and even to the point of stronger, more disciplined communities. All of this because of a higher education. Even if taxes were not cut somewhere else, if the government made it possible to pay for all tuitions, there would be far more stable and healthy communities in the United States of