Tupac Amaru Analysis

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Tupac Amaru, a very well known name to anyone who was an avid hip-hop or rap listener in the 1990’s and early 2000’s. However, not too many people would be able to tell you imporance of the name, “Tupac”. Thouhgh it may not be very evident, the name of this rapper has a very symbolic meaning which expresses much more than a name but a way of life. The pictures of Death of Tupac Amaru II and Children in the Peruvian Highlands, one is able to see the symbolic messages portyated by seeing graphic deaths and public humliations to expressses not only the imporacne of the name, but the imporance Tupac Amaru II himself. Before analizing the symbolic imporance of the name “Tupac Amaru”, it is necessary to define what exactly what a symbol is. Jacqes …show more content…

For starters, the image portrays the last Incan leader being violently ripped apart by four horses that are tied to each of his limps. Though this is very graphic, it shows a very iconic message. Ironicly (symboilcly), this is the same way that the Spanish excecuted his great- grandfather Tupac Amaru I. This right here is a dirrect corolation of the symbolic imporance of the name of Tupac. Additionally, the way of execcuting Tupac Amaru II in a public place in front of many Peruzian citizen shows just how serious the Spanish were in their takeover of Peru. This violent and public death is a prime example of Slavoj Zizek’s interpretation of subjective violence. Steven Poole describes this as “violence with a distinguishable agent” (Poole, Unspeak). The Spanish intentionally carried out this particular form of violence to show and instill fear into the minds of the people of Peru so that they will remember the death for generations to come. Last, but certainly not least, the name Tupac symbolizes a person a person who does not give up (Classnotes Jan 28th). Just like his great grand-father Tupac Amaru II was excicuted for defending the thing that he loved, his home. Even until the very end, neither gave up and were determned to fight against the wrong doings of the Spanish. Additionally, the rapper Tupac Amaru Shakur would be known for the same fight. Though it would take many examples and papers to accuratly explain the parallels between all of the Tupacs, one can grasp the main theme that is seen between