The Issue Of High Employee Turnover Rate In The Healthcare Sector

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The issues of high employee turnover rate in the Health Care Sector
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The issues of high employee turnover rate in the Healthcare Sector
Any private or public institution, in whatever area of activity it is involved, needs professional personnel. But there is a natural process of transition of employees from one company to another in order to search for better labour conditions. And medical institutions, Healthcare sector in this case are not an exception. About the issues of high employee turnover rate in the Healthcare Sector and the main reasons why employees leave and how to minimize their quantity, we will discuss in this article.
It's hard to argue with the fact that the …show more content…

Factors of employee turnover can be grouped according to the extent of the possible impact to them, highlighting three groups: managed, partially managed and unmanaged.
The first group includes material factors of production and life of the workers (character, conditions and organization of work, the provision of different material goods).
The second group includes subjective factors of production (satisfaction workers of various parties to the industrial activity). The third group includes climatic and demographic factors. Purposefully acting on first and second, you can significantly reduce the