
Tuskegee Airmen Research Papers

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Tuskegee Air Men

The Tuskegee Airmen are African American military pilots who flew in world war two. They piloted fighter and bombing planes. They trained at Molton Field which was the military airbase training location. During the time they served the U.S military was racially segregated. They received a lot of discrimination while they served. The Tuskegee were some of the best pilots of their time. They painted their wings on there plane to red and they get the nickname Red tails.

The Tuskegee Airmen Were the first African American pilots in world war two. Their group was a test group. It was to see if African Americans can have their own military group. The men were recruited if they had to past a training course. They had to have a good IQ in other …show more content…

They also fought off the german attack planes on march 24, 1945. The 99th also set a record for destroying 5 enemy aircraft in less than 4 minutes. The 332nd fighter group had the most flight courses and they received 96 flying crosses medals. The 332nd flew through Italy and south parts of Europe. They wouldn't have been successful without there P-40s. They also flew the Curtiss P-40 Warhawk, the Bell P-39 Airacobras, the P-47 Thunderbolts. Last but not least they also flew the P-51 Mustang.

The importance of the Tuskegee Airmen. They were very successful. With there bombing runs and escorting the bomber. The most import fact what makes them better then every other pilot group. The fact that they were the first African american pilots in the U.S army. The fact that they were so successful. It also is what proves to the people who discriminate. It shows that yes they maybe a different race but they can equally kick butt. Which the proof in that is that they received lots of medals and 8 purple hearts. Which purple hearts are hard to get in the

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