Twenty Feet From Stardom Analysis

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When listening to popular songs, it is easy to forget that the main artist is not the only one singing on the track. Twenty Feet From Stardom explores the lives of the other artists on the tracks, the background singers. These extremely talented individuals work long and hard hours just like the main artists they are singing behind, but for little to no recognition. Many of the background singers had similar upbringings in churches and were the daughters of pastors. This is how they got their love for singing as well as developed their strong voices by singing within the church. At first, I found this interesting, however once I thought about it this made sense to me. Many main artists were looking for backup singers who had strong, soulful voices that could bring a different dimension to their songs. This is exactly how gospel singers’ voices are. …show more content…

This is very similar to the background singers as it seemed that the individuals interviewed in the documentary performed on multiple tracks for a large variety of well-known artists. As well as almost all of them knew each other or knew of each other and this showed how few of them there actually