Two Examples Of Criminal Law Cases

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Becky-case two
Becky was out with some her friends one night and they decided it would be a great idea to the club where a heated argument took place during the queue. Provoking Becky, a girl pushes past her and she got irritated and decided to punch her in the face. Becky was later arrested and charged with assault which was an actual bodily harm (ABH), an either way offence.
Criminal Law
A criminal law is a system which is set up concerning the punishment required for offenders. This often refers to different crimes and depending on how serious the case is there are different courts for them. Examples of criminal law case include
• Fraud and theft
• Murder
• Sexual and physical offence
• Possession or sale of illegal drugs
Depending on the offence there are different types of offence in which the different court hearings are decided. They consist of three and they’re indictable offences, a summary offence and an either way offence.
3 type’s offences
Indictable offence are usually dealt in the crown court only they consist of high level offences such as murder, rape, grievous bodily harm (GBH with intent). Summary offences are dealt at the magistrate’s court only. Examples of types of offences which can go there include parking offences, assault, battery and littering. Either-way offences can …show more content…

If the defendant can be proven to be guilty beyond all reasonable doubt then they would process with sentencing. They usually try all the summary cases and in some circumstances they also try the either way offence and whether or not to progress it to the crown court. Although all indictable offences are dealt in the crown court they have to still be dealt for the first hearing at the magistrate’s court and then they’re sent to the crown court. This is known as an early administrative hearing. The magistrates also focus and deal with criminal side matters such as issuing bails and warrant

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