Two Examples Of Hallucinations In Macbeth

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Why is it that macbeth gets controlled by the hallucinations? In the beginning of the play Macbeth is the thane of glamis. After the witches appear and tell macbeth his future, Macbeth has too much ambition and greed and gets himself into bad situations where he kills duncan and becomes kind. This leads to other people focusing macbeth and macbeth ends up getting murdered. Hallucinations are the most powerful motif in the play because their appearances cause macbeth to recognize his guilt, commit murder, and lose his mind.
Hallucinations are a powerful motif because they make macbeth realize he is doing bad things. At the banquet when the ghost of banquo exits, Macbeth expresses his liability. Macbeth states, “it will have blood, they say. Blood will have blood… Brought forth the secret’st man of blood”, (III,iiii, 51-57) Macbeth is admitting he has blood on his hands and it will come back to haunt him. When the ghost vanishes, Macbeth lets the feeling of guilt sink in and he starts to think about what he did. …show more content…

In act two scene one Macbeth sees the dagger floating and it leads macbeth to turn violent. Macbeth says,” I see thee still, and on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood, which was not before… It is the bloody business which informs thus to be mine eyes”. (II,i,57-61) Macbeth is thinking about murdering duncan so it makes him see a floating dagger. The dagger has blood on it so it makes Macbeth think he has to murder duncan. The dagger makes Macbeth turn violent because he sees there is blood on it and he thinks he needs to fulfill the