Types Of Government Expenditure

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1.1 Types and Classification of Government Expenditure The economy of a country is greatly influenced by the level of government or by the amount of government expenditure. It is one of the main processes by which the welfare of the people is ensured and it is a vital aspect of a government’s budget. It is an important tool in the hands of government that can be utilized for the maximization of public satisfaction. Again, it helps in overcoming the inefficiencies of the market system in the allocation of economic resources. It also helps in smoothing out cyclical fluctuations in the economy and ensures a high level of employment and price stability.
In 19th Century governments follow laissez faire economic policies & limit their role only to defending aggression and maintaining law and order. The size of government expenditure was very small during those days. It was in the early 20th Century that John Maynard Keynes came with the idea of advocating the role of government expenditure in determining the level and distribution of income.
Classification of Government expenditure is the systematic arrangement of different items on which the government incurs expenditure. There are a variety of ways in which government Expenditure can be classified.
I) According to the authority: According to the authority taking care of the expenditure, government expenditure are classified as (a) Federal or Union or

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