UAS Discussion Questions

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There are a lot of students at UAS, what are they really thought of UAS? To know more about school life in UAS, I interview three students’ and get to know what are they really thought of UAS. By interview this three students’ it tells me more about the school life and what the school is like and what problem they face. I also get to know more about how the way school work and what are the students’ really thought. Different students have a different opinions and thought. The first question I ask is, do UAS care about you? They all said yes, because they feel that they have a lot of help from the teacher and staff. One of the students said “Yes, because I can get extra help if I don’t understand something and the school also asked all the students what kind of change for them would be better.” and that it’s how she feel that the UASCS care about her. Other question that I asked is “Do you feel safe at UAS?” the three students response are, they all feel safe because …show more content…

They all say yes, because the teacher help them with their homework and if they need more help they can stay after school, come to lunch, and they can go to Saturday school for more help. Another question that I ask is “do you guy recommend UAS?” Two of the students’ say yes, because they recommend UAS because they feel that UAS students get more help than other schools. But one of the students says “I don’t know if I recommend it to other people because it their choice, but it’s a good school to me.” I also ask them if they are planning for graduation at UAS? One of the student say “yes, because I only have two years left.” another two students are not sure if they are going to graduation in UASCS but hope for the best for them. The last question I asked is do the teacher given your guy many compliments? And they all say sometime such as, when the teacher sees them do their homework or doing something