UNCSA Personal Statement

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It is with great interest that I submit my application for the University Archivist position at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts’. This position is of great interest to me because of its hands-on-role in serving the intellectual, informational, and cultural needs of the UNCSA community. As the University Archivist, I would apply my enthusiasm, creativity, service experience, and archival skills to promote knowledge and understanding of the UNCSA program and goals. While as a PC Lab student employee at Tennessee Technological University, I gained valuable experience in patron services. For the three years I held the position, I assisted in instructing both faculty and students on the use of many different software programs as well as attend to any issues related to print jobs, audio difficulties, and hardware questions. While in the position, I was nominated for the 2010 Most Valuable Work Study on campus. Although I didn’t win, my supervisor stated I kept the “labs running smoothly…[took] on additional duties…and [I was] thorough and dependable”. Between earning my undergraduate and graduate degrees, I gained supervisory experience as Store Manager at the Sgt. York General Store and Shift Manager at Weigel’s. As store manager, I created schedules …show more content…

This included taking classes with subjects such as archives and records management, research methods, digital curation, cataloging, and metadata. I also enrolled in a grant writing class where I interacted with community institutions to create a mock grant aimed at promoting library services. In addition, I served as a student liaison for two councils, represented the College of Communications at an event, and was student chapter president of both ASIS&T and

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