Through the use of satirical devices, Larry Gelbart takes a swipe at the US Government’s drafting policy implemented during the Korean War. In his iconic US TV series, MASH, he exposes the truth about war – that war is not glorious. Not all soldiers are heroes MASH mainly targeted the US Government for their role in making men fight because of the drafting policy and they should have done that because people should have their own rights and choose whether or not they want to go to war. The soldiers were only doing what they were told to do by the Government. War is not something we should be proud of because we’re killing people for no reason in some case or just going to war to claim more land. Just because someone served in the military …show more content…
It’s time we stand up about the propaganda and validity of the drafting stop. We are sending people that don’t even want to go and fight because they don’t to fight and kill people the Government is forcing these people to fight and kill people. The television version of Hawkeye proved to be a somewhat different character: while hisprofessional and social life was much the same, he also slowly changed (and got better) into aman of sense of right and wrong trying to maintain some people/(the kindness of people) anddecency in the insane world into which he has been thrust. This was mostly due to actor AlanAlda's influence, as he soaked (in) the character with some of his political thinking and morals. Hewas also a (man who loves to flirt with women) who drank too much and was a (disrespectful, snobby person who tries to be funny). He offers (more than two, but not a lot of) doctors love (opinions about what could or should be done about a situation), "Jeeter" Carroll for example, praising the good qualities/the advantages of outside-of-marriage sex but never (taking part of something/joining others as they do something) …show more content…
Another time Hawkeye refuses to fudgeColonel Potter's high blood pressure readings -stating that for once he agrees with army rules. Hawkeye has a habit of smelling his food - First episode he's seen doing this is "Payday" 3.22 when he is serving as pay officer. Radar is trying to talk to him about necessary paperwork andHawkeye is paying more attention to the hotdog he's preparing - he smells the sauerkraut beforeputting it on the hotdog. Hawkeye, Trapper, and B.J. are the main practical jokers of the show. They put eggs in Frank Burns' helmet, made dry gin in their quarters called "The Swamp", andswitched Charles Winchester's clothes to make him think he was (at the same time) losing and