Ultrasound Sonography Essay

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Ultrasound technology otherwise called sonography, has turned into a crucial piece of today’s Radiology division. Since the mid 1900s ultrasounds has been utilized to analyze live images from inside the human body, by using high frequency sound waves. furthermore, it is used to diagnose and treat patients. In today’s general public any expecting mother should inevitable encounter a system utilizing this fascinating innovation. It does not utilize radiating and is a noninvasive procedure. Rather than using ionizing radiation like x-rays or Computed Tomography, Sonography uses resonating sound waves with the goal of envisioning and measuring pathology. It is also the go to for treatment of pregnant patients and newborn children which makes …show more content…

Through experimentation he discovered that sound waves voyaged speedier in water than through air. (Jean Daniel Colladon founds Ultrasound Sonography , n.d.) The innovation utilized as a part of ultrasound transducer was started by examination done by Jacques and Pierre Curie in 1880. They found something many refer to as Piezo-Electric. It is described as an impact, which Is characterized as the capacity of specific materials to produce an electric charge in reaction to connected mechanical influences. (Breakthrough in Ultrasound physics comes from Pierre Curie, …show more content…

While x-rays are generally used to see the denser structure in the body, for example, bone, ultrasound is utilized to analyze the soft tissue. The primary disadvantages of ultrasound is that hypersthenic patients are harder to picture because of assimilation of sound waves. Likewise, gas, air and bone additionally cloud critical structures. There is no positive reaction because of the absence of ionizing radiation, making it alright for pediatrics and adults. In obstetric exams, it is used to visualize the baby, cervix, placenta, and uterus. In male’s sonography, can be utilized to perform scrotal studies. (Long, Rollins, & Smith