Ulysses S. Grant Dbq

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-Before his presidency,Grant was in the US army.He started young, when the army wasn’t very big. Working for the fourth infantry gave him a lot of experience. He left the army in 1854 but returned, to fight for the north in the beginning of the civil War.The governor appointed the captain to be the leader of a new regiment that nobody else was able to train. Ulysses S Grant discipline his troops, and focused on the Gov’t big goals, while he forgot to focus on the small ones too. After he won the respect from everybody, he was elevated to brigadier general. When the civil war was over, he was seen as a national hero and he was also appointed to be America’s first 4 star General under recommendation of the President Andrew Johnson. His election: After Abraham Lincoln died at the end of the civil war,the US needed somebody to step up and lead the country through At this time of Reconstruction, Ulysses S Grant was very well known, because he was a war hero. In the election of 1868 he won against Horatio Seymour with an advantage of 18 States. After his first four years as a president he was still very popular, but some of the Republicans disagreed with his decisions. Those people formed the liberal Republicans. In the …show more content…

While he was a President, he dismayed Republican party leaders, who thought that they had a position in the cabinet. Grant nevertheless kept his own counsel because he wanted to be surrounded by people he could trust. Grant was very loyal to those, who had worked with him and helped him throughout the years. This loyalty prevented his administration to be corrupt or unloyal to him. In the economy Point of View, he was a fiscal conservative, who thought that money, or currency should be backed by Gold. During the civil war, in which Grant fought, the Gov’t had issued an excess of paper money known as greenbacks.This paper money was all backed up by faith in the federal

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