
Uncle Hoy In Homer's Odyssey

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On page 181, Cody said,” I want to be sad… can’t you let me be said?” Cody had said this to Brewster after Uncle Hoyt had beaten him in the shed. I think Cody wants to be said because he doesn’t want to know that he his making Brewster hurt more than he should have to. He also might want to feel like a normal kid and have bruises and scars.

“ I have no idea why a man like Uncle Hoyt would care what Brew thought of him” is said on page 16. This quote is said by Tennyson. However, it is said about Uncle Hoyt. I believe Uncle Hoyt cares what Brewster thinks because if Brewster doesn’t care, his pain won’t be taken away.

On page 173, Uncle Hoyt says, “I’m going to teach you a lesson. Both of you. Two birds with one stone. He doesn't
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