Uncle Tom's Cabin Freedom

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Christ's Gift of True Freedom Uncle Tom's Cabin is a novel about the very horrific truths of the slave system. Written by a very

passionate abolitionist; Harriet Beecher Stowe, the book was Published in 1852. Set in Southern

America, in the mid 19th century, Stowe is able to show the american people, just what an atrocity

slavery is. The book opens on the Shelby farm in Kentucky, here Uncle Tom is sold due to the Shelby's

poor financial state. Tom is ruled by multiple owners on his journey, and one thing that stands out is his

remarkably strong faith in Christ. Tom endures unimaginable hardships, from being ripped from his

family, to merciless physical abuse. All that in account, this wonderfully righteous man remains a

beautiful ambassador for …show more content…

Legree did not own him, Jesus did, the worst Legree could do was kill Tom. Tom would go

on to be with Jesus, he did not fear Legree or death in the slightest from here on out. Tom's freedom is

a wonderful thing, to be free from the burden of your sin. In contemplating the two different forms of

freedom, I would hope that we come away agreeing which is greater.

Uncle Tom was a slave, oppressed and abused his entire life, he had no civil rights. No freedom on an

earthly basis, he was an object to be sold and purchased. This is simply barbaric, but sadly this was the

case. Stowe played a big role in putting an end to this monstrosity that is slavery. Through her vivd

characters, Stowe was able to captivate a great portion of the American people. People who were aware

of the evil, but were not affected by it, this book touched many people like this. Tom was born into

such a horrible situation, yet he had a marvelous hope in a better life to come. His time on earth was

filled with pain and hurt at a terribly high level, but he had confidence in his salvation. Tom had faith

that Christ purchased him with his precious blood, and would bring him to glory. Uncle Tom was