Uncle Tom's Cabin Movie Analysis

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If i were to create a series of movies out of the book, by Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, I would chose to end the first movie out at chapter nineteen. I would end here because this would be a perfect place to end and leave people in suspense as to what will happen next. This chapter is a “cliffhanger” because of Prue’s story. Prue, a slave from down the street, comes into St.Clare’s kitchen and says that she is miserable and that she wishes that she were dead. She even admits that she would get drunk in hopes of alleviating her sorrows. Uncle Tom begs her to stop drinking and find the Lord. Prue responds by telling her horrid story. Prue’s story would touch the audience’s heart and cause them to become emotional. Prue’s story includes how she was used for breeding, …show more content…

Prue asked her masters to purchase milk to the child but they refused. The child ended up dying of starvation. A few days later, the members of the St. Clare household are informed that Prue had been whipped to death by her master. This would be the best point in the story to stop. After the audience has heard Prue’s story and has gained emotional empathy for her, it will be even more emotional for the audience to find out that Prue had been whipped to death. The creation of empathy by Prue’s life story drastically affects how the audience would react to Prue’s death. If the movie does not inform the audience about Prue’s story, then the death more than likely would not have any impact on the audience’s reaction towards her death. If Prue had died in a different manner, it might not have had the same amount of impact either. If Prue had died of illness rather than being whipped to death by her master, the audience may not feel as emotional towards her. I would begin the next movie in the next chapter, chapter