Uncle Tom's Cabin Racism Analysis

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Uncle Tom’s Cabin can be seen to reflect the actions of slavery to audiences that were not experiencing it in a best-case scenario approach. Throughout the play, Stowe illustrates African American characters, “slaves” in the same equality and aspects as the whites, “masters”. She uses irony to depict how wrong slavery is by exploring situations and proves a good master is not truly good. The play exposes slavery as a negative act nonetheless, however, in an ethical, proper approach without being racist.
In the play, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, there were two sides of slavery, while there was a happy scene with laughter and prayer in Uncle Tom’s cabin, Mr. Shelby was making a deal to sell two of his slaves which would in turn split families apart. This shows how easy a slave can go from having a “good” master and life into an abusive life with a “bad” master. Stowe considers situations to defend slavery and find an excuse for it. For an example, Mr. Shelby respected his slaves and saw the good in them, then goes and signs them off to be sold, which can be seen by the audience of betraying them in …show more content…

The term is used in various spots throughout the play. This can create the idea to the audience that the play is racist and discriminatory. “Niggers? That you’re not up to, hey?” (Stowe 293). However, the play was originally published in 1852 when the term was commonly used as a slang word for slaves, therefore, not being used as a racial term to intentionally offend audiences.
Stowe’s play Uncle Tom’s Cabin displays slavery to an audience in a progressive manner that does not cause adverse, racial views upon people. Various techniques are used throughout the play to show the negative aspects when they may be portrayed as respectful towards the slaves. Stowe does a great job of showing human characteristics in all characters that shows all people to be equal in the eyes of