Unconditional Love In The Likely Cause Of Addiction By Johann Hari

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When a kid throws a tantrum in the store it’s likely that the parent wants to disappear from the embarrassment. But, does the parent stop loving the child — likely not. Parents love their children, regardless of the troubles they might run into. With this in mind, unconditional love is known as affection without any limitations (Wikipedia). Johann Hari, the author of The Likely Cause of Addiction, argues that “addiction is caused by our cultural cage and that the best way to fight addiction is through unconditional love.” Unconditional love can make a huge impact by supporting those who are addicted. An addict has a better chance of overcoming an addiction when they have a support system that allows them to get an insight at a distinct point of view on how to better manage their mental …show more content…

Addicts tend to make impulsive mental decisions. For example, an addict addicted to alcohol being offered an alcoholic beverage at a friend’s home would consume the drink even though they have a meeting later. The addict than made the impulsive decision to drink disregarding their responsibilities. Now, if the addicts friend had never even offered them a beverage or simply offered a regular drink that could have prevented them from making an impulsive decision. Giving the addict different options that are not going to harm them could be an easy substitute. An addict’s behavior is beyond their control but, if those around them help with small support on a daily basis it may enlighten them to recover. One way to show support toward the addict, is by spending time to talk to them without any judgments. Addicts would then feel more open to discuss their situation without feeling guilty. This allows them to have insight on their own behaviors and gain trust from their families and friends. Moreover, the next time they feel a mental impulse they will be more likely to think before taking on a negative

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