Theories Of Behaviour

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Behaviour is the way in which we act, speak and treat other people and our environment. Children and young people whose early social and emotional development is positive are more likely to make friends, settle well into school and understand how to behave appropriately in different situations. They have strong self- esteem and a sense of self- worth, but also have a feeling of empathy for others. They understand what the boundaries are, and why they are necessary. Behaviour has a significant impact on current and later success for children and young people, in terms of their social skill development, education and employment.

1 Understand principles of supporting the development of positive behaviour in children
Before children go to school, …show more content…

Watson believed that everybody is born with the same abilities and that anyone can be taught anything and those individuals can be trained to behave in a certain way. Watson’s theory was influenced by the work of Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov. Watson was the one for the behavioural/behaviourism approach, his work supports learning through conditioning. Watson’s and Pavlov’s ideas impacted on that of B Skinner’s.
Watson 's classic paper, "Psychology as the Behaviourist Views It." It is best summed up by the following quote from Watson, who is often considered the "father" of behaviourism:
"Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I 'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select—doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors."
Several thinkers influenced behavioural psychology. In addition to those already mentioned, there are a number of prominent theorists and psychologists who left an indelible mark on behavioural psychology. Among these are Edward Thorndike, a pioneering psychologist who described the law of effect, and Clark Hull, who proposed the drive theory of …show more content…

The cognitive approach to psychology focuses on mental processes such as thinking, decision-making, language, and problem-solving. In both cases, behaviourism neglects these processes and influences in favour of studying just observable behaviours.
2 Be able to establish behavioural goals and boundaries with children. Adults become uneasy about unclear boundaries and irritated by inflexible rules in working relationships. Yet we have the words and ideas to express those feelings, saying, for example, 'You know where you are with Sajida, but David is so inconsistent '.

Young children may not express their emotions in words, but their actions sometimes say just as loudly, 'Isn 't it about time somebody stopped me! ' or 'It 's so reassuring to know you 'll step in and help us '. Children need to know 'where they are ' and to have a sense of their boundaries that is, what is and is not allowed in any setting.
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