Understand The Application Of Person-Centred Approaches In Health And Social Care Essay

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Outcome 1 Understand the application of person centred approaches in health and social care 1.1 Working with an individual in a way which ensures to promote their independence should be in a way which fulfil individual and basic need for service users, thus, when am working with the core members, I work in a way to help promote independence in ways such as physical needs like helping with dressing, washing and preparing meals in a way to boost their self-worth because not being able to do this themselves will want to reduce their self-worth and by working in a person centred way provides a meaningful valued life. Hence, this should be done in a way that the individual will always be consulted and thereby service users views will always come …show more content…

Thus, a care plans is an individual documentation that contains planned processes of day to day requirements and preferences for care and support are detailed. Hence, no two care plans are alike because each individual is different from another, therefore, individual should be involved at every stage of their care plan (OCR, 2013). Gaël Romanet explained that the use of care plans in applying person centred values signifies involving the individual at the centre of the care planning process by putting people we support first and their assistants in control of their care and support as expressed in the Adult Care Act 2014. Just the way we cannot give medication without Medicine Administration Records (MAR) sheets, so we cannot also give care without a good care plans. The scholar also elaborated that by applying person centred values using the individual plans documenting preferences and requirements for care and support when working means to understand that person centred approach is about giving care and support that is centred on the individuals and their needs, it also intend to consider the mental, physical and emotional needs of

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