Understand The Organisational Context Of Education And Training

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4. What is the difference between a.. Understand the organisational context of education and training (Tom Farkas) 4.1 Explain key aspects of policies, codes of practice and guidelines of an organisation (400 words minimum). Policies, codes of practice, and guidelines are imperative for any organisation. Most especially in education and training, they set up rules and standards everyone needs to follow. These ensure that all operations are done properly and equitably. Schools and training institutions in the United Kingdom observe these documents to provide appropriate, within the law, and ethically acceptable education. This essay shall discuss the key points about policies, codes of practice, and guidelines pertaining to education and training …show more content…

In the context of ever-evolving learning and educational processes, quality assurance becomes super important in the case of students and learning institutions alike. Quality improvement and quality assurance are regarded as central elements in auditing and enhancing the functioning of education within the United Kingdom. First, I will discuss various aspects of quality improvement and quality assurance in education and training organizations, with references to some key references that support my analysis. Improvement in the quality of education and training schools, therefore, involves constant development in teaching, learning, and management that focuses on addressing the changing needs of the students. This may involve several strategies, which involve training teachers, developing appropriate lesson plans, and effective ways of testing students with a view to helping them learn as much as possible. A robust mechanism of internal monitoring and self-evaluation can bring about quality improvement. Schools and institutions review their practice on a regular basis with the purpose of establishing what their strengths and weaknesses are. These then help them design specific plans to bring in improvements. Ofsted 2021 Further Education and Skills Inspection Handbook emphasized that self-assessment was essential as it tended to foster a culture of …show more content…

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