Understanding The Bystander Effect

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In 1964, a woman named Kitty Genovese, walks towards her apartment out of nowhere she was fatally stabbed three times by a man named Winston Moseley. As she started to scream for help towards her neighbors, they were all aware of her situation because one of them opened their window and yelled out to leave her alone. Later on, one of the neighbors was alert that she was murdered so he or she called the police to aid kitty, they came around 3:50 am. How could this happen? Maybe they did not like her or they were too scared to help out Kitty Genovese because she was being murdered and they did not want to get involved. If they would of reacted quickly and called the police just when she was screaming they could've saved her life because the police officers came in two minutes so in two minutes they might of saved her life. …show more content…

The reason is the Bystander Effect is a theory that in an emergency people don’t get involved due to various reasons. For example, people like the witnesses don't jump in or get involved because they will stay in shock or be scared to help out an innocent person that has been murdered or being in a situation of a murder. In my opinion one of the witnesses could of at least called 911 or jump in to help out the innocent person. Consequently, people around the world believe that there should be a law to force this behavior among citizens called, The Good Samaritan Law. In a short brief way, this law would and could punish or fine people who failed to aid a person in need of help. I believe they should put this law into effect because it might help out any victim from being murdered because if this law was not made what could people have done if they had the chance to help out the victim being butchered or seeing them being