Unit 1 Art History Essay

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University of the People AY 2017 to 2018 T-4 AHIST 1401 Art History Discussion Forum Unit 8 Today’s art looks challenging just like the world around us. This reason is based on the fact that art is becoming more diverse in its visual characteristics, cultural concerns or simply its artistic themes. This change comes as the result of postmodernism, the concept similar used to describe contemporary art. It has dramatic change in social, political and technology. Now the two major art movement of the early 1960s were minimalism and Pop Art, this gives much clues to the different direction of art in the late 20th and 21st century. These art movements rejected established expectations of earlier art’s aesthetic qualities and originality. According to Wikipedia, (2018) minimalism is an art movement that began in post–World War II Western art, most strongly with American visual arts in the 1960s and early 1970s. For example, minimalist objects are of geometric form often made from industrial process and …show more content…

This was very important to the previous generation of modern painters; however this brought a line to differentiate fine art from more ordinary aspect of life, and made us to reconsider art’s purpose and place in the world. Therefore, minimalism and Pop Art are the ones that paved the way for later artist to answer the question about the conceptual nature of art which includes its form, its production and the communication ability. According to Spivey (2014), it was these ideas of the late 1960s and 1970s that lead to what they termed “dematerialization of art”. This was when artist turned away from sculpture and painting to experiments with new formats which include photography, performance art, film and video, large-scale installations and earth work (Spivey,

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