Unit 4 Health And Social Care P2

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The NHS Community Care Act 1990, this legislation states that any one aged eighteen years or over is entitled to help or require a service from a local authority. Everyone has the right to have their needs assessed and the care that is being provided, should be tailored to meet an individual’s needs to enable them to live in their own homes. We know that Mary is an elderly lady who is very independent, however there has been a change in Mary’s circumstances and under this piece of legislation Mary is entitled to have her needs met whether it be through referral or a change in circumstance. Those involved in this assessment will be social work who will take the lead on the case, Mary and her family, doctors or nurses and carers. Under the Social …show more content…

Another piece of legislation that would be beneficial to Mary is the Community Care Act and Health (Scotland) act 2002, which saw the introduction of free personal care to the elderly no matter on their income or if they stay in their own home or in residential …show more content…

When individuals become unwell some know they need help or assistance, but in some cases people refuse help or agree to treatment. This act sets out how and when someone gets treated, when someone can be admitted hospital against their will, or treated in hospital. Also lets individuals know their rights and that there is safeguards in place to protect their rights, this act has a set of principles which are taking into account when making decisions. These principles ensures that the person is not discriminated against, equality is promoted and respect and diversity. Within this act there is a compulsory treatment order which allows a person to be treated for their mental illness, however there is a set number of conditions to comply with and these can depend if the individual is in the hospital or out in the community. Also states any person who is involved in the treatment and care of someone who is using mental health services, that person receiving care must provide carers with the relevant information. However the care will not receive and information, that the service user does not want them to know or share. Under the NHS Community Care Scotland Act 1990 states anyone who needs care even those with mental health problems has the right to have their needs assessed by local authority. In Sandra’s case