Universal Themes

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The two things thing that stood out to me the most during this assignment were the “good/evil” and “inner-workings of your mind and psyche” themes. I couldn’t decide which one I wanted to be my universal theme so I decided to create a combination of both. The personal associations I have with the mask I’ve created are the combination of good and evil; this mask shows a small view into both sides sides of myself. I didn’t really consider any of the other themes because the “good/evil” and “inner-workings of your mind and psyche” caught my attention before all the others. During the designing of my mask, the alternate idea I had was creating a mask that looked part deer and part goat (deer representing good and goat representing evil.) I also planned to write the quote “Τώρα , Γίνομαι φτερά και οργή” on the evil side of my mask, which means “Now, I grow wings and rage” but I feared to over-do the mask or mess it up.
The features I chose to accentuate on my …show more content…

I chose for it to have this because black is usually associated with evil, death, and mystery. One’s “evil” side may usually be hidden away, possibly from fear, and for fear of what? That answer lies within the person who hides away the “evil” within. For the “blood” portion of this side of my mask, I saw red as a color of anger and passion. Anger isn’t entirely a bad thing, but it can hurt us or even others if we handle it the wrong way. This is why I chose for the mask to look as if it is crying blood, because anger can destroy us from within. For the “mind and psyche” portion of my theme, I decorated the evil side to represent the hidden side of me. To me, evil is both sad and angry but anger is a shield, to hide the sadness even further. This would be why my evil side of the mask looks so furious. The mask is crying blood because the “evil” emotions I hide within can sometimes tear me apart from the