The The Unusual Suspects Directed by Bryan Singer is a retelling of events six weeks prior to a boat explosion. Verbal Kant describes those events to detective Kujan, but Kant can not be trusted. He is an unreliable narrator. Kujan believes Dean Keaton is pure evil but in reality, Keaton is someone being manipulated. Verbal Kant is an unreliable narrator in The Unusual Suspects. When he first talks to detective Kujan, Kant seems unworried and tells him a story about a barber shop in Illinois and how he would get dehydrated as a kid. He makes himself seem vulnerable to Kujan, but Verbal tells him this on purpose. If Verbal seems weak Kujan could break him and get him to spill all the information he has hidden. When Verbal “breaks” Kujan will …show more content…
He was being manipulated by Verbal and the others. Keaton was trying to get away from his life of crime. He truly loved Edie Finneran and wanted to make a new life with her. Keaton was not going to do the taxis service job until Verbal convinced him to. Keaton was going to lose investors because he was arrested in front of some French businessmen. He was going to need some money to continue his business. When it came to the boat job he had no choice but to take it or end up getting not only himself dead but his girlfriend. Dean would have been smart enough to run and live but he was to worried for Edie that he did it. Keaton never gets to choose whether or not he wants to be a criminal but instead is sucked back into it. No one believes Keaton was going good but he honestly was. He tried everything to start anew but could not escape the his life of crime. He went so far as to fake his own death. Keaton did not want to continue his life of crime and just wanted to do this last job. We are not sure if what Verbal told us was true or not but from what is shown to us in the holding cell, he wanted no part in the taxis job. He was manipulated into returning to his life of