Unwind by Neal Shusterman is a Sci-Fi story detailing the story of a group of runaways from various characters points of view. The main characters, Connor, Risa, and Lev, are all sent to be unwound. Unwinding is essentially the recycling of humans, and it can be used in place of abortion as the unwanted person has to be at least 13 years old but no older than 18 (at least until the end, when the legal age is reduced to 17 due to the actions of the main characters and other important minor characters). Connor is sent to be unwound because of his behavior and poor grades, Risa is in an orphan who lived in State Home Ohio 23, and Lev is a tithe from his parents to the church since he is the tenth of their children. Originally this project was going to be another chapter told from Hannah (the teacher that takes the baby at the school when …show more content…
The different voices of the characters do a phenomenal job in giving the reader the opportunity to understand the messages he is conveying and the truths we have to realize and connect to our own lives. The harvest camp is reminiscent of the holocaust in many ways. The population of mainly unwanteds are sent to live amongst themselves, not knowing when they’ll be killed, there are armed guards watching them at all times, and the vast majority of people think that it is for the good for society as a whole. What is the most haunting similarity, however, is the bands are made up of the prisoners that play happy songs during terrible times. In Nazi Germany, people living in the camp were often made to play in the band to entertain officers and the camp inhabitants. They would play happy songs just as the band did on the roof of the chop shop. Neal allows his readers a different perspective on society, and a reminder that what other people think is right isn’t always truly