Urban And Barb Burton: Case Study

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Lynn S. Urban and Barb Burton conducted a case-study (2015) investigating the effect of parenting training on incarcerated women within a three year period. Studies showed that there was a negative impact on children if their parents were incarcerated, so a case study was done to increase the connection between parent and child. The goal of the case study was to stop the cycle of incarceration and bad parenting habits or styles within families.
The program was conducted at the Chillicothe Correctional Center with the member of the PATCH program. PATCH stands for Parents and Their Children, and is a program that helps incarcerated women learn new skills and parenting styles that are executed or practiced through supervised visits. (N=204) represents the large amount of people involved in the study. This was a three year study, and not everyone made it through all three years. (N=18) represents women who participated over a number of years.
Turning Point is over the program and initially has 15 parenting lessons to help and educate incarcerated mothers, …show more content…

How to communicate from a distance with children and their caregivers
4. Rebuilding trust that has been broken
5. Dealing with children’s anger
6. Learning positive discipline techniques
7. Self-esteem in children and their parents
8. Keeping children safe from harm: Preventing child abuse and accidents
9. Setting developmentally appropriate expectations for children
10. Understanding temperaments within the family
(Urban, L. S., & Burton, B. (2015). Evaluating the Turning Points Curriculum: A Three-Year Study to Assess Parenting Knowledge in a Sample of Incarcerated Women. The Journal of Correctional Education.)
At the beginning of each lesson a pre-test is taken, and the exact test was given as a Post-test to see if there was any knowledge increase. The tests include:
• Likert questions
• Multiple choice questions
• How the mother plans to act on what she has learned
• Open-ended questions