Urinary Tract Infection

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Introduction: The Urinary Tract Infections are one of the most important microbial infectious diseases which may cost millions of dollars every year for different countries and governments. Among diverse microbial Urinary Tract Infections, those which are caused by Uropathogenic Escherichia coli involve a high frequency of diseases around the world. For this reason, the authors are going to discuss about the different aspects of UPEC pathogenicity and the urinary tract infections caused by E.coli. Methods: In this review some important and new studies were studied and evaluated by the authors' experiences. And finally this review was extracted with appropriate criteria. Results: Because of different investigations, a large number of bacterial virulence factors and host risk factors are deciphered. Many continuous studies concerning the incidence and the prevalence of Urinary Tract Infections show a hopeful progression relating to Urinary Tract Infections. Conclusion: Deciphered secrets of host risk factors and bacterial virulence factors inform us an obvious change in future strategies from a definite treatment to a definite prevention. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are considered as important global infectious diseases among outpatients and …show more content…

The attachment of E.coli on the surfaces of epithelial cells pertaining to urinary tract is achieved throughout several bacterial adhesive proteins. In parallel with biofilm formation of pathogenic E.coli on animate and inanimate surfaces, the secretion of exopolysaccharide occurs. The most important VFs which are found in UPEC strains are recognized as capsule, fimbriae, pili, flagella, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), hemolysins, siderophores and toxins. These factors mediate colonization and invasion of the UPEC in diverse positions (9, 12,