Us History Compare And Contrast American Art And Architecture

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According to US History, the art and architecture often reflects the ideals, feelings, and mindset of a people. The period after the Revolutionary War is our main focus as a class. A difference was expected on everything, most importantly the art and architecture because “The United States was seen as a great and innovative experiment in democracy by many.” No American wanted other nations to compare them to any European country after the Revolution. The ties the United States had with Britain were broken. For example, certain artistic style, like Georgian, was done away with by America as they were “were too British”. Dissimilar styles that America considered American in nature were developed. The Federal style was one such style; it was more of an adaptation of Adam, and English style which was popularized by the architect brothers. The Federal style was different from the Georgian British style. Georgian style buildings were known for having an oval or round parlor and had a hip roof that sloped downwards to the walls. The Federal style building avoided most type of curves and arcs and were symmetrical. Some of the good example of the Federal style is the Massachusetts state capitol, Heard House, in Danvers and the Pierce-Nichols House, in Salem. The best model of a Federal style house was the Heard …show more content…

In order to show the world that they were creating a democracy similar to that of the Romans and Greeks, America chose to use the Greek and Roman style. At the new University of Virginia, Jefferson used a Roman temple that is today called Maison Caree as his inspiration in crating the Virginia state capitol in Richmond. An Indian woman that is n the statue on top of the US capitol dome represents America’s new found freedom from Britain. America’s desire for freedom and democracy is depicted through the neo-classical

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