Use Of Dissociative Identity Disorder In Disney's Moon Knight

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One of the most prominent texts that portrays a mental disorder in recent times is Disney's hit TV series, Moon Knight. In the show, the main character Marc Spector is shown to have Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Throughout the show, he switches between his main persona, a brave superhero, and his persona of a regular person working a normal job. Marc Spector’s portrayal of Dissociative Identity Disorder is an accurate representation of DID as its depiction of the origin of the disorder, communication between personalities, and awareness of the other identity is consistent with the scientific definition of DID. The show also portrays one of Marc Spector’s personalities as someone prone to violence. Some might say that this feeds into the stereotype that people with …show more content…

Marc creates Steven after a heavy trauma Marc faced as a kid. One day, Marc and his younger brother went into a cave and the cave started flooding. Marc was able to escape, however, his brother couldn’t escape and died. When Marc returned and broke the news to his parents, his mother did not process the news properly. She went into shock and started blaming Marc for this incident, repeatedly abusing Marc both mentally and physically. As Marc was still in childhood, his mother’s actions really traumatized him. In order to cope with this trauma, Marc created Steven. According to the clinical definition of Dissociative Identity Disorder by the DSM-V, “dissociative identity disorder is associated with overwhelming experiences, traumatic events, and/or abuse occurring in childhood” (American Psychiatric Association 294). Clearly, Marc Spector’s case is no different from science’s diagnosis. Marc also created Steven due to the emotional and physical abuse he faced, and this all happened when Marc was at a tender age. Thus, the cause of Marc’s DID is consistent and accurate with the scientific causes of the