
Use Of Hyperbole In Fahrenheit 451

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Let’s face it. Starting to write a novel an essay, or an article has become one of the many challenging tasks facing humanity. One has to think of a perfect sentence to start, otherwise the readers will be sleeping before reading the first phrase. However, in the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, the author makes use of literary devices with the purpose of introducing the readers to the plot of the story and developing the protagonist. Bradbury has decided to start the novel with a powerful sentence that says “It was a pleasure to burn”. The use of the words pleasure and burn causes ambiguity within the first sentence. It causes the readers to question why does this person feel pleasure when burning things since often burning is related …show more content…

Soon after we are told what this man does, the author finally reveals his surname, Montag, which helps to develop the protagonist for the understanding of the novel. Bradbury then further emphasises the pleasure that Montag feels at his job since he writes that “It never went away, that smile, it never ever went away, as long as he remembered.” The author uses a hyperbole as he writes that Montag’s smile never went away, yet it helps us understand the joy that his job as a fireman brought him. Finally, we can see the use of irony as Montag, after burning a house down, “showers luxuriously”. The use of the word luxuriously helps the readers comprehend that Montag feels no guilt by doing that he is doing. This irony is further emphasised as Montag is described to calmly walk on the streets. The use of literary and stylistic devices throughout the first two pages of Fahrenheit 451 is effective as it helps the readers to understand the situation under which the protagonist of the story lives in. It also helps us comprehend how the society in the novel think about what is right and wrong. Therefore, we could say that the development of the protagonist and plot in the novel is effective, as it helps us understand the positive and negative side to Montag’s

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