Using Effective Commobilization Frameworks For A Successful Social Movement

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It has been seen that over time many grievances have been generated across societies due to different reasons in many parts of the world. However, not all grievances turned into successful social movements. For a generic movement to appear and become successful it needs to have the fundamental structural prerequisites, like the presence of political opportunities, mobilization structure and mobilization framework. Along with shared grievances these fundamental structural prerequisites, and factors like the emergence of strong leaders and use of technology, are required for a movement to appear and be successful. Not all grievances are able to fulfill these prerequisites and therefore we see far fewer movements being generated. Political opportunities are created when the structure of power is fragmented, and often times social movements are a sign that institutions in place are not working effectively. For a potential movement to form, the presence of political opportunities …show more content…

Through the use of strategic decisions generic movements are able to gather support from the general population by using effective frameworks to draw compelling arguments in favor of the movement. Using effective mobilization framework in order to appeal to a broader audience and use the existing grievances to generate collective action helps a movement move forward and become successful. However, not all grievances are able to generate collective action as not all grievances are shared among different groups in society. Therefore, only those grievances that appeal to a larger audience and is able to use effective framework to further mobilize the population in supporting their cause is able to turn into a movement and become