Kant's Ethical Theory Essay

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Kant’s ethical theory
Kant’s ethical theory relies on the principles that the only one thing, which is good without qualification, is a good will. In Kant’s term, a good will is a will, where all taken decisions are fully determined by the Moral Law or moral demands. He states that all talents of the mind, which can include intelligence, wit, judgment, courage and others can be definitely named as good traits, however, at the same time these qualities can also become extremely bad on the condition that the will of using them is not good. Kant believed that some kinds of actions should be prohibited, such as murder, theft or lying, even though the consequences of these actions would lead to bringing more happiness than the alternative (Bonevac, …show more content…

Thus, the utilitarianism is solely concerned with achieving the maximum good. According to this theory, people should have an obligation to behave on a constant basis to ensure that the most people would benefit from it despite to the danger, which can be accompanied with an act. For example, an individual pursuing a utilitarian approach decided to sacrifice his life in order to save a train full of people. In this case, he would be presented as an individuals who actually is fulfilling an obligation to society, rather than just demonstrating a selfless and laudable …show more content…

At some pints of my life, I have used utilitarian moral reasoning, which can be associated with economic cost-benefit analysis somehow, where good consequences should be maximized over bad consequences. Additionally, I tend to believe that whether actions are considered morally right or wrong would somehow depend on their effects. Thus, under this philosophical view we can evaluate a wide range of situations that take place in our lives, where we are aware in advance that our decisions would be evaluated wrong or right depending entirely on its consequences. From the other hand, this theory may be questioned the adequacy of this theory and how practically it can be utilized in our everyday decisions, however the primary agenda of utilitarian approach calls people to be more motivated towards maximizing the overall happiness, which in turn can contribute towards right moral