Utilitarianism And Abortion

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Does a fetus have the right to life? Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. This essay will present a logical argument that a fetus does have the right to life, thus making abortion morally wrong. I will also explain how the deontological theory concurs with this statement as well as how other reasonable objections articulate a plausible reason why someone might find this argument weak or problematic. While to some people a fetus is not a considered a human being, a fetus does have the right to life. One day it will be a human since it is at an early stage of the process, a fetus is a separate human being from its mother, and all humans have the right to life. It all starts with conception. When the sperm meets the egg, …show more content…

There are many reasons as to why women choose to abort .To list a few reasons; cannot afford a baby now, a baby would interfere with school/employment/ability to care for others, and because they would be a single parent. In utilitarianism, whether abortion is morally wrong or not depends on the situation, the situation dictates. Using the example of a baby would interfere with school/employment/ability to care for others; utilitarianism would make it morally right to have an abortion. Let’s say that there is a single mom who already has a toddler to look after; she isn’t financially doing too well at the time. Having another baby will not only become a financial burden but will also interfere with her ability to work, as well as her ability to care for her toddler. In this scenario, with utilitarianism in mind, aborting the baby would be morally acceptable because that would bring the greatest amount of happiness to the greatest amount of people. Once again, different ethical theories will always clash with one …show more content…

At the end of the day, there are no facts as to when a fetus becomes a human being. However, it could be its own human being. Since we were given a chance at life, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Topics like abortion will always be opinionated. However, I feel as logical, reasonable human beings with morals we could all come to agreement that a fetus is a possible human being. Abortion is killing an innocent human being who cannot defend themselves. Since an unborn child cannot speak for itself, and its life solely depends on the intent of the mother, it is defenseless. Derived from Dictionary.com; innocent means free from moral wrong; without sin; pure. Incapable of doing such things from within the womb, a fetus is innocent. Abortion is denying the fetus the opportunity at life. Who are we as humans to deny the simple right to life to another human being? Abortion is just that; denying it the opportunity at life. A fetus shouldn’t be deprived of the right to life just because the parents lacked the responsibility to plan it properly. Yes, some pregnancies are an accident, but no human life is an

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