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Negative effects of vaccines
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Abstract on childhood vaccinations
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Recommended: Negative effects of vaccines
In the science sector, there are many arguments whether science is beneficial for humans or is it a curse upon us, this debate is also applicable to child vaccination. Child vaccination is a sensitive health topic that parents and doctors argue about, were some say that vaccination can be harmful for their children, others say that it might prevent their children from getting sick. What is Child vaccination? Child vaccination is the process of injecting dead bacteria or viruses in our body for our immune system to recognise as a pathogen^1 and fight that particular pathogen. Also the pathogen is being recognised by our body for the future, so our body can defeat this particular pathogen faster in the future and a person won’t get the disease.
The question of whether or not children should be vaccinated has being in the minds or parents for quite a long time and parents in California will no longer be able to make that decision. California legislature has passed a new law that requires every child attending school to be vaccinated. The only exception to this rule will be for medical reasons, not religious or personal reasons. Parents are now questioning whether or not California lawmakers have the authority to have a say in their children lives. Although it may seem as if California lawmakers are trying to control your child’s life, vaccines do have significant benefits.
As parents, the natural instinct to protect your children will overbear any medical recommendation. However, the choice of not vaccinating your children is selfish to the child as well as others in society. With the proper precautions and research, scheduled vaccinations will have a higher success rate than failure rate. Every parent is entitled to their parental rights in the US, but every person in society is also entitled to their health as well. “The best way to reduce vaccine-preventable diseases is to have highly immune population” (Centers for Disease
We the people deserve the right to be free. We the people deserve the right of religion. We the people deserve the right to refuse to force children to get medical vaccinations before attending a public school. For decades, the altercation between whether children should be vaccinated or not has been debated between many parents, teachers, and even federal level officials. Should the United States put public safety before civil rights?
In the United States of America, childhood immunizations have prevented an estimated twenty-one million hospitalizations and seven-hundred and twenty thousand lives among children born in the last twenty years (CDC). In recent discussions of childhood immunization, a controversial issue has been whether the amount and composition of these vaccines being administered intravenously, to enhance the body’s immunity, are in fact safe for the human body at such a vulnerable stage in its systematic development. Consequently, this has brought about a belief among a division of people who believe that their child shouldn’t be vaccinated. Anti-vaxxers commonly believe vaccinations can cause autism spectrum disorder, contain harmful ingredients that constitute
Today, young children receive vaccines to protect them against 14 different diseases. Because some vaccines require more than one dose, children can receive as many as 26 inoculations by 2 years of age and up to five shots at one time. For this reason, some parents now ask their doctors to space out, separate or withhold vaccines. If the parent(s) decided to not vaccinate their child, the child may not have the necessary antibodies to fight off infection. That is why to protect the child, the vaccine needs to be not enforced on the child, but strongly suggested by the doctor.
Sometimes babies are not able to get a certain vaccination because they are not old enough for it yet.(“Get the Shots, Protect All”) Babies also have weaker immune systems than adults do. If one doesn’t get their vaccination they could potentially get that baby sick. Due to the fact that babies have a weaker immune system, their bodies may not be able to fight off the disease like adult’s bodies can. Babies aren’t the only ones at risk getting seriously sick from someone not getting a vaccination, but people with certain allergies are also at risk.
One of the many benefits of vaccinating children is it saves them from life-threatening diseases. The many diseases which children are immunized from include, Measles, Mumps, Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (whooping cough), Polio, Hepatitis A and B and much more. Long before the time of vaccines, there was a shocking rate of deaths that occurred worldwide.
Required Immunity Mandatory vaccinations for children in public schools have been the center of much debate since laws were first developed to regulate immunization. Fears from parents about side effects and adverse reactions have steered many away from wanting to vaccinate their children despite the numerous infectious diseases they prevent. These debates have gotten in the way of progression in schools for preventing the spread of disease. To me, the risks of not vaccinating children are far greater than the risks of adverse reactions.
Many people may think that vaccination is a bad thing, that instead of preventing it causes illness, that is not natural. Natural or not, there are many reasons as to why we should vaccinate us and the younger generation. Most of the time children don’t like vaccination because it hurt, but is the responsibility of a parent to seek the wellbeing of his or her child. Vaccination it’s a preventive measure of various diseases. Unfortunately, things like the anti-vaccination movement, the misinformation on the Internet, and the believe that vaccination causes more damage than is worth, have led our society to think that it’s right not to vaccinate.
Vaccinations When it comes to vaccinations, there are many different opinions on immunizing a child, especially when that child’s parent has a strong like or dislike towards vaccinating. Immunizations have existed for at least a thousand years and as technology advances more, there are new vaccines being designed to help protect our children from contracting contagious and sometimes deadly diseases, such as Bordetella pertussis, polio, and even influenza. For decades, all 50 states have required that parents vaccinate their children against various diseases, including polio and measles, as a prerequisite to enrolling them in public schools (Ciolli, 2008). Enrollment in public school requires up to date vaccinations in order to protect the children and even the adults from contracting and spreading a disease, possibly causing an epidemic.
Vaccines are like traffic lights; they ensure the safety of the public, be in heavily crowded areas, like schools, or densely trafficked roads. Traffic lights only work when all people follow the rules. If a car runs a red light, the car runs the risk of killing innocent pedestrians who are complying with the prescribed rules. Vaccines, if not utilized by most people, are ineffective. Even though some parents are concerned over the safety of vaccines, children who go to public schools should not be granted exemptions because vaccines are necessary to prevent outbreaks, children who do not receive vaccines are at risk of disease, and medically compromised children rely on vaccines to prevent disease.
While many people think that it’s not harmful to their children if they’re not vaccinated, they’re mistaken. There are many risks of not being vaccinated, which include disabilities and even a higher risk of catching a disease that could’ve been prevented in the first place. Not being vaccinated can sometimes lead to disability problems such as if there was an “Outbreaks of measles, mumps, and whooping cough are occurring around the United States—often among groups of children whose parents have refused to get them vaccinated”(Childhood 1). The side effects of these lead a child to catching pneumonia, inflammation in the brain, swollen and tender salivary glands under the ears and more. Based on the information that was researched vaccines, “Work really well.
If you’re young and healthy getting vaccinated can help you stay that way. When you get sick you put everybody in your family at risk. A vaccine-preventable disease that might make you sick for a week or two could be deadly for your grandparents, parents, and/or your siblings. For example adults are the most common source of pertussis infection in young children, which can be deadly. In 2010 alone 25
Vaccinations can help prevent future diseases or viruses in the upcoming life of a child. According to an article from vaccines.gov, “Because of advances in medical science, your child can be protected against more diseases than ever before. Some diseases that once injured or killed thousands of children, have been eliminated completely and others are close to extinction- primarily due to stay safe and effective vaccinations.” Throughout the years more viruses have been prevented due to vaccinations in children. There has also been an increase in the amount of children that get vaccinations at a young age.