Validate Styles In Conflict Management

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SBY, D. M., & HOLMAN, T. B. (2009). Perceived Match or Mismatch on the Gottman
Conflict Styles: Associations with Relationship Outcome Variables. Family Process,
48(4), 531-545. doi:10.1111/j.1545-5300.2009.01300.x
The article discusses Gottman’s 3 styles of conflict management which he called, avoidant, validating and volatile as well as one called hostile. The study used a sample of
1983 committed couples to see if those with mismatched conflict styles had higher or lower relationship satisfaction. The study also compared which combination of mismatched styles were more likely to have relationship problems. The hostile style caused the most problems in relationships while the validating style had positive effects.. I will most likely …show more content…

It was found that the longer the relationship the more frequency of differences of opinions they had and used a negative conflict style. The study found that it is not the frequency of arguments but how they are resolved that made the relationship satisfying. I can use this article in my research paper to show that it is important to resolve conflict with a positive conflict style because it leads to a more satisfying relationship. Some problems with the study included the use of only college students and not a variety of couples such as those from different races and sexual orientation. Another problem is that maybe those in longer relationships argue more and use a negative conflict style because they feel more secure with the relationship, not because the relationship is …show more content…

The participants included 375 married men and women and used 3 different screening models, a values scale, resilience scale and conflict resolution scale. The study found that values held by married individuals are different depending on the conflict resolution style they use. In addition, resilience levels differ depending on which conflict resolution style they use. I will not use this article for my research paper because I am not going to discuss the correlation between values, resilience and conflict styles. A problem with this study is that not much research has been done on resilience in married couples and further studies will help researchers to have a better understanding of how resilience affects conflict