Value Of Money By Virginia Aligned Standards Of Learning

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Topic: Money-Value of Money

A. Virginia Standard of Learning: 3.8 The student will determine, by counting the value of a collection of bills and coins whose total value is $5.00 or less, compare the value of the bills and coins, and make change

B. Virginia Aligned Standards of Learning: The student, given a set containing 10 or fewer concrete items, will a) tell how many are in the set by counting the number of items orally, b) select the corresponding numeral given set, and c) write the numeral to tell how many are in the set.

Objective: The objective of this lesson is for students to list the value of money recognizing a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and dollar.
Materials: White chart board, play money, real money, paper, pencil, markers, poster board, glue sticks, worksheets, bags and sets of money, cut outs of money, flashcards. …show more content…

Show me the money video, video game different sets of money to choose.
Character Education Principle: Discipline- The quality of practicing restraint over and control of one’s emotions and behavior. “I will behave myself wisely.” (Psalm 101:2a) “And that you study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you.” (Thessalonians 4:11) “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.” (Colossians 3:17a)
Pre Assessment: Before beginning the lesson teacher will review each coin quarter, nickel, dime, penny, dollar. Ask students to raise their hand if they can recognize the value of the money. For example who can tell me what a nickel and a dime looks like?