Vampires Influence On American Culture

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Through many decades and years, folklore has been shaping up culture and pretty much said differently over time. Vampires and zombies were the main source of how folklore changed over time, whether it was by stories, the media or how you saw yourself in them everyone had there own aspects of each monster. “ John William Polidori stitched together folklore personal resentment and erotic anxieties into the vampyre, a story that is the basis for vampires as they are understood today” (292). That is how the famous story of vampires started. For zombies in the other hand “ His origins, we learn – we who dabble in the recklessly expanding field of zombie studies – are in Caribbean folk nightmare” (299). An experiment gone wrong. The change …show more content…

Starting with the movies and TV shows they have now. True blood, the walking dead, and the vampire diaries all TV shows popular today. While twilight, zombieland and underworld are all popular movies. The walking dead and true blood were top cable smashes last year. For some reason, a virus affected both of these monsters. They were both stories created by social construct. Culture took a big part of how human beings looked at these monsters and lets not forget literature and writing. If it wasn’t for important writers these stories would of never come to light and our lives. Overall we will never know who’s the mighty superior of them all but what we do know is that the vampire is someone we always wanted to be and a zombie is the complete opposite. The zombie started in the Caribbean and vampires were creatures that changed over time. When it comes to it both are extremely popular in movies, media and TV shows. Certain questions still need to be answered but what we do know is that vampires are the eternal in us while zombies are the mortal in us. We will always know that vampires never die and that zombies are