Much controversy surrounds Capital Punishment. Anti- Capital Punishment argues that execution of criminals who commit capital crimes seems cruel and unjust, also innocent men and women have been released from death row, including some who came within minutes of execution, Pro- Capital Punishment ‘s argument is Capital Punishment will deter criminals from committing crimes. I am against the death penalty not because of sympathy for criminals, but because it doesn't reduce crime, costs taxpayers much more than life sentences, is more emotionally draining for the families of victims than life in prison without parole. and, worst of all, risks executions of innocent people. The death penalty was established in the 18th century BC. In 1608, Captain …show more content…
Both retentionists and abolitionists appeal to utilitarianism and non-consequentialist moral theories to make their case. Retentionists often argue that the death penalty maximizes the welfare of society by preventing repeat crimes or deterring future crimes. Retributivists argue on non-consequentialist grounds that capital punishment is morally permissible because it accords with the demands of justice. Abolitionists, on the other hand, often contend that the death penalty does more harm than good to society and that life in prison without parole results in more net happiness than executions do. Many abolitionists also take the non-consequentialist route by insisting that the death penalty violates some fundamental moral principles—the right to life, the dignity of human beings, and the injustice of executing the innocent. ( …show more content…
It's cheaper than life in prison and it would also allow the families of the victim to have some form of justice. Image someone killed your love one in cold blood and left them on the side of the road and this was the fourth victim in two weeks. Would you want them to pay for their crimes? I will agree there are innocent people that are put on death row but the many out rank the few. After all, if they are innocent they will be freed why stop the death penalty after all isn’t it innocent until proven guilty. Capital Punishment is a moral choice whether for or against; everyone has a point on both sides of the issue; massive shooting has become a common occurrence in our society. Mass killing of children, movie theaters, concerts and the work place it’s a human emotion to be angered by such a heinous act of violence; the first thought that comes to mind is they need to pay with their life, an eye for an eye. Walter Berns would agree with that thought. “Anger is expressed or manifested on those occasions when someone has acted in a manner thought to be unjust, and one of its origins is the opinion that men are responsible, and should be held responsible, for what they do.” (Vaughn